The minds of children are like soft clay, we may shape them as per need of our society and nation as a whole. Though the first education starts at home and mother is the first teacher of a child, still children enter primary school from early childhoods to initiate the formal education. There is bare necessity of utmost care of little minds in primary education. More we take care of little children,greater is possibility of making powerful generation in future. Powerful intelligent, constructive and innovative minds can support to build up a powerful developed nation.
It is matter of regret that no priority is given by the govt to improve the elementary education in India. The primary education grossly neglected. The primary students are deprived of due care for their education and health. The primary teachers are most neglected section of the society. For the same services various categories of teachers are created to fill the feelings of discriminations .If we dream of a Samrudha Bharat, then we have to take care of primary education properly.