Beyond primary level of education students enters to the age of adolescent. At this age there is a necessity of extra care for them on behalf of parents as well as teachers. The following points to be noted and taken care of .
The parents should silently and cautiously note the physical and mental activities of their wards at home and take information regarding the same from class teacher from the school.

Every irregularity and irresponsibility in delivering home task and class work is to be seriously noted and reason for the same to be ascertained and to be duly rectified.
Any mental distraction is caused due to some secondary reason, may due to emotional factor of extra friendship or unwanted attraction for opposite sex. This may be a major setback or breakdown in the career of the students.

Every doubts and hurdles should be removed and rectified on urgent basis to avoid any distraction in the minds of their wards.

At this digital age, mobile and internet play a critical role in students’ career. this can never be banned but its controlled and selective use is very essential for the students. Simultaneously,it very much essential to be vigilant and conscious to take protective measure for any sort of distraction and addition with mobile and internet.

Parents should make friendly behavior with their teen ager wards. Any type of distraction from study should be obstructed through motivation and rousing of moral values in their minds.